Dar la bienvenida

Bienvenidos a mi blog. Este es donde comparto mis pensamientos más profundos, emociones, proyectos y sueños. Quiero compartirlo al mundo de modo que usted pueda aprender de mis experiencias también. Amo escribir mis pensamientos, me hace calmarme. Esto mueve mi alma y me trae cerca de Dios. Deseo compartir con usted mi vida. Este es como me gustaría dejar mi herencia.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Miraculous Abundance

By Ma. Teresa Torres

The multiplication of loaves was mentioned in all four gospels of the bible. However, there is inconsistency in the number of bread and fish multiplied mentioned by the evangelists. In Matthew’s account, there are seven loaves of bread and two fish whereas in the accounts of John, Mark, and Luke, there are five loaves of bread and two fish. The inconsistency is also found in the number of baskets of leftovers. In the former there are seven baskets, in the latter, there are twelve.

It may not mathematically make sense. How can seven loaves of bread and two fish, or five loaves and two fish, feed four thousand or five thousand mouths?

Maybe it is because they shared. The people only ate what they needed. Perhaps many of them gave their share to the others who needed it more. Or, many of them actually brought their own food and shared it with their neighbors. It is possible that because of these unwritten events, the five loaves of bread and the two fish was more than enough to feed the five thousand followers.

What is the moral of the story? That in each and every one of us, there is an abundance of gifts that God gave to us to share. Just as the sharing between the people who followed Jesus multiplied the loaves of bread and the few pieces of fish, sharing our blessing in effect multiplies it so that many will be able to receive and experience it.

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